
Showing posts from December, 2021

Superstition, sciencestition, and how to stop overthinking food.

  Superstition, sciencestition, and how to stop overthinking food. What if I told you I start my morning with a glass of lemon water? Maybe you’d think: ‘Who cares?! Why does it matter what Berardi drinks first thing in the morning?’ You wouldn’t be wrong. But if you’re a certain type of person—the kind who loves to geek out on nutrition science—it might spark your curiosity (and maybe a little FOMO). Perhaps you’d ask: “Why add lemon? For digestion? Liver detoxification? Antioxidant protection?” In other words: “Does lemon contain some sort of biochemical superpower I haven’t yet learned about? And, if so, should I be including it myself?” If you’re another type of person—more skeptical in nature—you might be less curious and more annoyed: “Ugh—more detoxing BS?!? Detoxing isn’t even a thing. I thought you were evidence-based!” If you’re super up-to-date on the latest research, you might even say: “Lemons, really? Haven’t you done your research? Don’t you know that [enter nutrient/sup